Welcome to my studio! Under construction right now sorry for the wonkiness! i'm Fiona, and this is my secret world to share my photography and the creative pursuits i fill my time with.
current photo picks: from late summer naps
December 31st Sick for the third NYE in a row... not too sad though glad to have time home
12/31/24: Added my summer photos to the photo album! will work on adding fall photos soon :) 12/27/24: Little updates these days to my about and garden - using it as a place to store all my thoughts and reminders of what i'm up to. need a good chunk of time to re-format my home page and photo pages, but will dive into that sometime this winter... 11/23/24: i have figured out where i want to go with this website i think...need to pull back, make my pages a little simpler and easier to adapt and update. looking forward to getting the core done so i can add random silly little things. Today i added a projects page but cheated and made a little image template to update for each one. Also started tinkering with my about and photo diary to improve them but did not finish (sorry if you see the mess haha).Some things that inspired me poking around today or i might want to add eventually:
calendar to put in a small thought or mood each day
list of all the animals or birds i see!!!
restaraunts or meals that i love... cookbook of favorite recipies
blog for foraging and what i have found/eaten!
10/19/24: finally made a garden!! Idk why i was putting it off so long it's the easiest page i have made...definitely enjoying simplifying my pages and letting the content breathe. happy to have a place to put all the random things that peak my interest or touch my soul. 10/19/24: happy to have found a way to have a simple photo gallery for my new photos, and to have them up! i am happy with my new work :) also updated my about page (i've been reading a lot) and simplified my home page a bit. 9/8/24: little tweaks today mostly but feels good. my about feels complete for now and i'm glad. Learning how to make a button and looking forward to sharing it and adding mutuals buttons to my site soon :) also will be adding new photography soon of what i have been working on! 8/22/24: SO proud of what i got done to this homepage today, and the about page i made! I have been wanting to make this site feel more personal for a while and finally got there today. figured out some weird hacks that work well with my very amatuer coding skills and am excited to use them keep getting creative and personalizing this site! 8/11/24: updated my photo diary for the winter and spring finally :) take a peek! summer is so busy for me but i have been trying to take documentary photos of my life and am working on getting my cameras fixed to start being creative with photo again soon! i will also finally begin putting together a garden of all things that are my inspiration and favorites soon, but i want to make it creative so taking it slow 4/28/24: between last weekend and this i finally got all my photo work i want to share organized and up! you can browse them here. haven't had much space to be creative recently but hopefully will make something new soon. next i am looking forward to updating my photo diary, and creating an about page with some favorite links on it! 3/26/24: figured out what was making my searching for home page wonky and fixed it! not my perfect dream way to display these images that mean a lot to me but they are THERE and no logner in a big ol blob, so that's cool! 3/24/24: quick little poking around and updates today - such as the little plant i adopted! and updating my 2024 photo diary using a template! still looking forward to doing more with this - I have been organizing and digging up my old photo work and getting back into shooting - so a lot of offline work right now, but really feeling great about it! my busy season is beginning so it will be slow additions and updates from here out but i'm going to try to add a little bit each week if i can :)3/15/24: finally figured out how to get the three column layout i wanted and my header to look nice, i am feeling very happy with this! i have been feeling so much more inspired and creative in this past week than in a while :) on my to-do list:
dig up and organize all my old film photos
add pages for all my favorite old projects
start building my photodiary for the year by adding my favorite pictures and memories so far
learn more html and css so i can make a fun creative garden and start adding things that inspire me there!
3/9/24: i am very new to this and just beginning to build this website, so be aware that it is still under construction. color dreams and black and white photography are the only two links that will work right now. but i am having a lot of fun putting this together so will definitely be back to add more very soon!
coming up
~make my photo diary more simple~~create a garden to document inspiration and things i love~~add my summer photos to the photo album~~fall photos on the photo album~~fix my about page and make it centered~~change my photo galleries into clickthroughs~~upload my home zine to replace the gallery~~make my homepage more centered and less touchy~~finish my button and link mutuals~~finish my about page~~add my new work!~